43 minute flight time
RGB Camera with 20MP 4/3CMOS & mechanical shutter
Compact and portable for easy storage
Up to 200 hectares per flight
Near-Infrared (NIR): 860 nm ± 26 nm
Red (R): 650 nm ± 16 nm
Red Edge (RE): 730 nm ± 16 nm
Green (G): 560 nm ± 16 nm , Key features
43 minute flight time
RGB Camera with 20MP 4/3CMOS & mechanical shutter
Compact and portable for easy storage
Up to 200 hectares per flight , DJI Mavic 3 Multispectral
The DJI Mavic 3 Multispectral is designed for precision agriculture and environmental monitoring. It is equipped with a multispectral imaging system that quickly captures crop growth information to achieve more effective crop production. The Mavic 3M includes an RTK module that achieves centimetre-level positioning. , ,