The Role of VF Tyres in Mitigating Soil Compaction

VF Tyres
Image Source: Continental Tyres

VF Tyres Maximising Agricultural Efficiency

Reflecting on the meteorological challenges of 2023, which ranked as the 11th wettest year on record, it becomes evident that the cascade of storms and relentless rain has seamlessly flowed into 2024. However, soil compaction is a significant concern for farmers amidst the anticipation of rising temperatures and the forthcoming spring cultivations.

Soil compaction, exacerbated by heavy machinery traversing saturated fields, poses a dire threat to agricultural productivity. The increased density of compacted soil restricts root penetration, leading to shallow and malformed root systems. Consequently, nutrient and moisture uptake are compromised, impeding crop growth and yield potential.

VF (Very High Flexion) tyres emerge as a viable solution to combat this agricultural quandary. These advanced tyres offer a compelling advantage over conventional options for farm machinery, exhibiting greater flexibility and load-bearing capacity. Despite the marginal price difference between VF tyres and traditional alternatives, their impact on mitigating soil compaction cannot be overstated.

Tom Godwin, an agricultural tyre specialist, underscores the burgeoning adoption of VF tyres among operators seeking to mitigate the adverse effects of heavy machinery on soil health. Moreover, the prospect of governmental support in subsidising the adoption of VF tyres further underscores their pivotal role in sustainable agriculture.

The benefits of operating equipment with optimal tyre pressures are multifaceted and far-reaching, including:

  1. Reduce fuel consumption by up to 15% (Example: a 5cm rut depth corresponds to a constant rise of a 5% grade)
  2. Reduce tyre wear by up to 20%
  3. Increase traction in the field by up to 30% 
  4. Reduce wheel slippage by up to 20%
  5. Proven to increase yields by up to 4% * Reference: Harper Adams
  6. University trial, comparing conventional tyre pressures to lowered tyre pressures in the field.
  7. Reduce soil compaction and improve soil health
  8. Better crop recovery after wheel traffic
  9. Reduce wheel track rutting and soil erosion
  10. Provide better self-cleaning of tyre tread while in the field
  11. Enjoy better ride comfort and reduce operator fatigue 
  12. Increase stability at higher road speeds
  13. Contribute to a longer working season, especially in wet areas
  14. Optimising tyre surface areas creates a viable alternative to a track machine 

Notably, empirical evidence from Harper Adams University underscores the positive correlation between lowered tyre pressures and increased yields—a testament to the tangible benefits of embracing innovative agricultural practices.

Moreover, VF tyres, in conjunction with CTIS (Central Tire Inflation Systems), offer a holistic solution to soil compaction mitigation. By optimising tyre pressure based on load requirements, operators can enhance fuel efficiency, reduce soil compaction, and prolong the longevity of agricultural equipment.

As climate change manifests in warmer and wetter winters, the imperative for sustainable farming practices becomes increasingly pronounced. The narrowing price gap between CTIS and VF tyres, coupled with their demonstrable benefits, presents a compelling case for broader adoption within the agricultural community.

In conclusion, the integration of VF tyres represents a pivotal step towards sustainable agriculture in the face of evolving climatic patterns. By prioritising soil health and embracing innovative technologies, farmers can navigate the challenges posed by soil compaction while fostering long-term resilience and productivity in agricultural landscapes.


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