Bristol Groundschool, or BGS, is the trading name of three EASA and UK CAA Approved Training Organisations based in Dublin, Ireland, and Clevedon, UK. Our registered company names are Bristol Groundschool Europe Ltd., registered office 26-27 Upper Pembrooke St., Dublin, RoI; Bristol Groundschool International Ltd., registered office Windmill Road, Kenn, Clevedon, BS21 6UJ, UK; and Bristol Groundschool Ltd., registered office Windmill Road, Kenn, Clevedon, BS21 6UJ, UK.
Founded in 1992 by ex-RAF TriStar Captain Alex Whittingham, Bristol Groundschool is UK & Europe’s leading specialist in distance learning and training for EASA/UK CAA Professional Pilot’s Licence theory exams. Bristol Groundschool has a stellar reputation in the industry for being the most effective, trusted and manageable training system available.
Our caring and professional staff will support individuals throughout their training. Students who complete Bristol Groundschool’s industry-leading courses are prepared for an exciting, competitive and rewarding career in the aviation industry. Our learning system combines the best traditional training methods with modern interactive training tools, and we have a proven success rate far in excess of traditional classroom-based teaching or iPad-only learning.
We provide training directly to student pilots studying for professional examinations as well as training materials to other Aviation Training Organisations in the UK, Europe, and across the rest of the world
Our course materials consist of proprietary computer-based training software called ‘ATPdigital’ and are supported by our online examination practice website BGSonline. We also have hard or soft copy manuals available as an optional extra.
Our courses are also available through our many training partners across the world.At our site in the UK, we are also an examination centre, allowing our students, and those of other schools, to sit EASA/UK CAA professional pilot examinations conducted by the UK CAA and Austro Control.