The London Cork Flooring Company was set up to actively promote the Cork Oak Tree as the new alternative to traditional oak floors with the ultimate goal of reduction in the amount of timber used in the private and construction industry.
The FSC (Forest Stewarship Council UK) is an international, non-governmental organisation that has promoted the responsible management of the world’s forests since 1994. The FSC has issued certification covering over 200 million hectares of forest which enables businesses and consumers to choose wood, paper and other forestry products made from materials that are responsibly sourced. Whilst this is a great approach, ultimately the sourcing of timber effectively means the killing of a tree which is offset by planting a new one. The damage done is not just to the tree, but to the wildlife that thrives in the forest ecosystem. Two-thirds of the global wood flooring market is residential. If most consumers switch to cork floors, we certainly will have a lot more mature forest with us.
It is precisely for this reason that we recommend cork is used wherever possible.
The Cork Tree is unique among other flooring trees in that only the bark is used to make wood products.
Our friendly and professional team will answer any questions you may have on cork.
We work closely with architects, interior designers and property management companies helping them realise even the most demanding cork flooring projects.
Give us a call today!