Pump Type – Peristaltic
Max Flow Rate – 42M³H
Max Head – 80M
Pump Materials – EPDM, NBR, NBR-A, Norprene, NR
Max Temp – 90°C
Max Viscosity – 30,000 cst
Max Solid Passage – 80mm
Self Priming – Y
Inlet/Outlet Sizes – 80mm
Drive – AC Electric, Bareshaft
Max Suction Lift – 9M , Description: BOYSER FMP80 Peristaltic Pump Overview
The FMP80 is our largest design of roller hose pump built for heavy industrial use. Equipped with roller technology, it is designed for abrasive fluid handling at pressures up to 8 Bar, and flow rates up to 42M³H.
The FMP series of peristaltic pumps is part of the rotary positive displacement volumetric pump family meaning they consistently deliver the same flow across a range of pressures and affected little by viscosity.
These pumps have a simplistic yet robust design that enables them to be used for the most arduous of applications, transferring high viscosity and abrasive solid laden fluids, in applications where other pumps would fail.
Typical fluids handled by this pump include Glue, Resins, Ink, Paint, Anti-foaming & foaming fluids, Dyes, Detergents, Oils, Concrete, Grout, Mud, Sludge and Sewage or Effluent.
Heavy Duty Design & Integrated Features
This unit has been heavily optimised for industrial use. Manufactured with a hinged door, internal inspection and hose replacement is easy to undertake utilising a single person. The casing can be accessed easily, enabling maintenance to be undertaken quickly without special tools or lifting equipment.
The internal working mechanism is fitted with Stainless Steel roller technology as opposed to shoes which are more commonly found in peristaltic pumps. Rollers reduce the amount of hose wear on the pump, allow a greater range of flow as units can operate as low as 1rpm, and reduce the amount of energy required to operate the pump.
The connected gearbox is fitted with oversized integrated bearings, contributing to longevity as the pump is not solely reliant on the motor bearings for load absorption.
A patented hose clamp consisting of only 6 parts enables quick removal and fitting of the pumps internal hose. It ensures a tight fit without pressure, deformation, wear or restriction of fluid passage in any way.
Working Operation
As one of their popular names implies ‘hose pumps’, the working motion is performed via a combination of a rubber hose located inside the casing of the pump which is the only wearing part and a rotor with a set of rollers or shoes which compress the hose as they rotate.
By pressing the hose whilst continually rotating in a 360° motion, the rollers or shoes gently convey the fluid from the inlet and towards the discharge. This pumping action means that flow is directly proportional to speed of rotation ensuring a predictable linear flow ideal in dosing or transfer applications.
The pumping action creates a strong negative pressure at the suction of the pump, enabling the pump to self-prime and reach a suction lift of up to 9 metres vertically. This combined with the ability to run dry indefinitely and transfer gas entrained fluids makes the peristaltic hose pump the ideal solution for most pumping applications.
Our hose pumps are available with integrated frequency drives for variable flow, ATEX rated (explosion proof) motors or hydraulic motor to suit a variety of installations. As there are no internal valves the unit is fully reversible.
There are a wide range of accessories available to provide a complete custom solution for most applications, which are detailed below:
Available Accessories:
•   Pulsation Dampener – Fitted to the pump discharge this ensures a smooth and stable flow, reducing pulsations by up to 98%. This is particularly beneficial when using control equipment such as pressure switches or flow meters during bottling or packaging.
•   Hose Leakage Sensor – The sensor detects if fluid has entered the casing, signalling an alarm to warn the operator that reactive maintenance is required. The device is connected to the pump casing and wired back to an external control panel. This is particularly useful for unmanned operation, during hazardous fluid handling or continuous operation in critical applications.
•   Anti-corrosive Coating – The internal casing can be coated in Halar (ECTFE) for extra corrosion resistance which is recommended when the pump is installed in a corrosive or hazardous environment.
•   Variable Speed Drive – The pump is supplied fixed speed as standard, an inverter can be fitted to the motor to enable variable flow rates quickly something which is often required in dosing and flow critical applications.
•   Priming Pump –For high suction lifts of viscous liquids an air operated vacuum pump ensures the hose does not collapse under extreme priming, quickly returning to shape maximising suction lift accelerating priming of the main pump.
•   Hopper Feeder – For dry and highly viscous fluids, a hopper with eccentric screw feed is installed at the pump inlet ensuring voids do not form in pipework and that the pump is continually fed with product which does not flow under normal conditions.
•   Mobile Trolley / Skid Mounted – The pump can be supplied on a mobile trolley for easy portability around site or Skid Baseplate mounted with Forklift slots. Bespoke dimensions and materials are available on request.
Design features:
•       Sealless – Minimising the risk of leakage, reducing the number of spare parts required or kept in stock and accelerating pump maintenance.
•    Non Clogging – as the pump does not contain valves, there are no areas inside the pump for clogging to occur.
•       Capable of running dry indefinitely – Without the need to install protection devices
•       High accuracy – Excellent for dosing applications as flow rate is proportional to speed and the pump operated is not affected by changes in viscosity.
•       Easy and Infrequent maintenance without special tools or extensive training.
•       Self-priming – Up to 9 metres.
•       Shear sensitive – Gentle on the product being pumped ensuring consistency.
•       Reversible flow – Ideal for tank or hose emptying in fluid transfer applications.
•      Non Slip design enabling a wide viscosity handling regardless of how the fluid changes with temperature.
•       Resistant to abrasion and corrosion due to the low operating speed, absence of valves or seals and internal casing coating.
•       Easy to clean as the inner hose is the only part in contact with the product.
•       Suitable for food-grade applications as the internal hose can be supplied with FDA approval, and there are no seals, valves or dead zones for bacteria to hide. Can be cleaned via CIP with hose optimised for any chemicals used.
•       Leakage detector for unattended or remote operation.
•       Efficient with Low power consumption.
Typical Applications & Industries:
•   Chemical Dosing
•   Water Treatment
•   Food/Beverage Transfer
•   Construction
•   Sampling
•   Mining
•   Paper Industry
•   Agriculture
•   Pharmaceutical
•   Industrial & Chemical Process Transfer – Glue, Resins, Ink, Paint, Anti-foaming, Dyes, Detergents, Oils, Concrete, Mud, Sludge, Sewage.
Read more about Peristaltic Pumps in our Guide