Key Features
Uses clean technology, no chemicals, no cleaning fluids, no powders
No ducting required and fully portable; only needs a plug to operate
Simple, easy to use touch screen controls
Low running costs
It will completely remove all odours from garments that cannot be washed or dry- cleaned
Large cabinet complete with hanging rail and racks for footwear, hats or small items
Removal of odours from shoes, overalls, body armour, bedding, pillows, blankets and much more , Product Overview
Ozone has the ability to eradicate odours by breaking down the biological structure of the bacteria that causes them. Because it is created naturally within the environment, the Ozone quickly and safely reverts back to Oxygen leaving no harmful residuals. It is one of the world’s most powerful sterilisation agents. Not only does it remove all odours, but it also sterilisesas well!