These Anti-Vandal Bravo cabins have the following key features -Secure multi-profiled steel exterior with 1.6mm steel panels. Increased U-Value to 0.25w/m2, upgraded framing – deeper cavity and increased insulation and 300mm taller than std. All roof seams, edges and lower wall perimeter are guarded with a heavy rust prohibitive paint – Variety of external colour options available. Roof cavities are fully insulated with 90mm non-combustible fibrous installation and provides an increased U -Value to 0.18w/ m2 – incorporating air gaps and additional insulation. Galvanised steel kirncroft security door with 10 point multipoint locking system. Heavy duty flexible sheet vinyl, with continuously welded joints bonded to the floorboards. Increased U-Value to 0.17w/m2 – additional floor depth and insulation. Heating – by air sourced heat pump.
Law Exports Trucks